Thursday, October 29, 2009

Phalaneopsis Orchid Care

Tips for Phalaenopsis Orchid Care

by Chairil Amin Umar

The phalaenopsis orchid is also known as the moth orchid is one of the most popular orchid varieties. This particular type of orchid it's easy to recognize because this particular type of orchid is well matched to growing indoors. 

Phalaenopsis orchid care is not so difficult as one might think though. Just like any orchid, Phalaenopsis still needs a little tender love and care. The late winter is the main flowering season into spring , although commercial growers nowadays can make flowering phalaenopsis available year round. These are the following tips to make sure your phalaenopsis orchid continues to flower year around.

 ·        Lighting

A sufficient amount of light is needed for healthy growth and to make sure your flowers bloom. Direct sunlight can severely harm your orchid, that is why you have to provide a good amount of light. By looking at its leaves, you can see if your phalaenopsis orchid is getting the proper light care. The color of the leaves should be a medium olive green, if the leaves are dark green or limp meaning the orchid is receiving too little light.
·        Temperature
You need to ensure the right temperature for correct care of your phalaenopsis orchid. Usually the temperature difference between night and day should be around 10 to 15 F is needed for a mature plant. You can check the leaves for this, but the room temperature is sufficient  as a rule of thumb. Avoid extreme hot or cold spots of the home.
·        Watering
You will not need drying out between watering for a mature phalaneopsis, but it has no meaning that you can over watering. Water the flower a good soaking first but then leave it for a few days without watering. Because it simulates the plants natural environment and this is very important.
·        Fertilizing
Feed your phalaenopsis orchid with fertilizer on a regular basis because most potting media have very little nutrients. The exact fertilizer you use will depend on the mix in which your plant is growing. A good common rule is to use a balanced fertilizer "weakly, weekly."( 10-10-10, 12-12-12 or similar ratio). That means, feed fertilizer every week at one quarter to one half of the recommended dilution.
·        Humidity
Phalaneopsis needs humidity 50 to 60 percent, at home, place plants on trays over moistened pebbles. In a greenhouse you have to use a humidifier if conditions are too dry, or by misting the plants with a small water sprayer. Or you can buy humidity trays from gardening stores but it’s much better and cheaper to just make your own.

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