Thursday, October 22, 2009

Orchid Plants

Tips How to Plant an Orchid
by Chairil Amin Umar

One of the most beautiful and most loved flowers in the world is orchids. That is why they are becoming more and more popular every year. When you have just lately  been given an orchid, I am sure that you not only have to learn how take a good care of it, but also how to grow an orchid. The same method which is used for planting an orchid will be used when repotting one. Because every orchid will need to be repotted every periodic of time, this information should be studied  by the orchid owner.

Before planting ( or re-potting an orchid ), first of all you will need to have  some potting medium. The medium does not come from the soil. A lot of people make the most common mistake by using ordinary soil for their orchid. Most orchids do not grow in soil, if you pot them in soil and certainly it will kill them.

Orchid plants  grow well if planted in a fibrous and porous medium. Sometime orchid plants are planted in in coconut shell, cork, bark, or some other similar material. One problem with these materials that they can quickly decay. In case this thing happens you will need  to repot the orchid. For that reason I would recommend that you visit a local gardening center and buy some pre-made orchid potting mix. They will most likely provide the best growing medium for your orchid and if you are a novice grower that's definitely the safest thing to do.
Choosing the pot is also the second thing that you have to remember.The color , style and material of the pots are of course up to you.  There some kinds of material can be used for orchid pots such as terra cota, plastic and porcelain/ceramic. And the size of the pot depends on the size of the plant. The most common mistake is a lot of beginners just want to make sure that the pot isn't too small, so they end up using a big pot that is way too large. The roots of the new plant should reach more or less all the moisture in the pot, but if  the pot too large, that will simply not be possible.
The way to get an idea of what the right size pot would be is  by checking out other orchids in a store or the local gardening center. Compare some orchids that are approximately the same size as yours and you will see the correct size of the pot.
Let us go for work, take a pot and fill it with orchid potting mix and make a hole in the center. Just fill a pot to about a half full would be a good start, don’t use all of the material first.
Now get your orchid out of its original pot, it may be harder than it sounds. Some roots are holding on to the pot and you might have some troubles getting them to un-clung. Do it slowly and carefully. Finally you might have to use knife to cut those roots carefully that just won’t let go. It will not harm the plant but not to overdo it.

Once the orchid has been out of the pot , just place it into a new pot. Fill up the rest of the pot with the remainder of the potting material and press it a little bit. The bulbs that are too weak to stand on their own should be supported necessarily, by putting a stake into the potting material (be careful you don't hurt the roots), and tie the bulb with a piece of string. It’s done. If you followed these instructions, you have just planted or repotted an orchid.

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